Reply to post: We recently had an office "Data Day"

The paperless office? Don’t talk sheet


We recently had an office "Data Day"

It was themed around our knowledge management policy which has 3 key pillars:

- Delete all your email - it's taking up too much space (We each have massive 750Mb Outlook mailboxes)

- Keep all your email - it's important information (Our Deleted folders auto-empty on quit. We must fill in a paper form to have a deleted email retrieved)

- Don't print unnecessarily

The 3rd pillar was emphasised by leaving copies of a multi-page report on all desks (occupied or not) listing all the files in the records management system owned by people who have left. No-one had a clue what we were supposed to do with the report so we all binned it.

Official advice on what to do with important emails you don't want to keep in Outlook? Drag them to the P: drive, which uses the same storage as Outlook.

No wonder my brain hurts

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