Reply to post: Re: Not even wrong...

Why Tim Cook is wrong: A privacy advocate's view


Re: Not even wrong...

You can apply that logic to any mass murder, including the school/college shootings the USA experiences every few weeks.

Unless you're going to confer extra validation upon murderers who happen to have religious/political motives, the proposition instantly becomes: hack anyone who is suspected of being involved in or associated with any potentially deadly violent crime. Add a sprinkling of paedos, drugs and general "think of the children" and you know where it ends up.

We lived with the IRA for 30 odd years, some of us more closely than others. As soon as you treat murderous scum as anything more than a minor irritation - they win.

Inventing the "Department of Jihadi Super Significance" was a bone headed idea and setting new legal precedents to underline how important they are (and how scared we are) is equally wrong.

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