Reply to post: Re: It's worse!

Public enemies: Azure, Amazon, Google, Oracle, OpenStack, SoftLayer will murder private IT

Preston Munchensonton

Re: It's worse!

Second, the poor state of WAN connections in the US and EU makes the hybrid cloud model awkward to implement. We need fiber connections, but it takes bullying by Google to get Verizon and ATT to budge.

I can't speak for the EU, since I haven't been involved in any European WAN designs since 2010. But you could not be more patently wrong concerning the US. Anyone hosting anything in the US, whether cloud or otherwise, has a bevy of carrier options available. In fact, it's really presumed now that any data center (or centre, ahem) has to have dual entrance for connectivity, with at least two Tier 1 ISP connections, to be taken seriously. And those connections are moving to 40Gbps or 100Gbps in many cases, which have to be fiber (or fibre) to reach the distances involved.

Google itself isn't really the driver of all this. This process, at least in the US, has been going on for a long time. The aptly-named carrier hotel has been a mainstay of WAN for as long as I can remember and I'm sure that's still the case in the EU (if my recollections of Colt, BT, and Global Crossing mean anything).

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