Reply to post: Re: On what merit will they be trying to convice the users ?

Canonical reckons Android phone-makers will switch to Ubuntu

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: On what merit will they be trying to convice the users ?

>The bloatware that my Samsung came with annoys me - duplication of Google ware mostly

> A Google Nexus is a nice phone, but I'd rather not have to trust Google so much.

So, you'd like to have the option of not using Google, but the preliminary work that Samsung has done to to offer you a non-Google Android annoys you?

Here's the thing: If a phone vendor ships a phone without Google Play Services version of Android, it is not allowed to ship *any* phone with Google Play Services ( APIs for location and other stuff, plus the Play Store, native GMail client, Google Maps etc). So, the only way for an Android phone vendor to break away from Google is to do it wholesale, and that would mean providing alternatives to all of Google's services.

Samsung have been hedging their bets for a while (I don't know what their own strategists currently think of their chances), hence the duplication of apps and services (an app store etc). It also explains their Tizen OS efforts.

Amazon tried an Android phone without Google. I haven't seen many of them.

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