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AdBlock Plus, websites draft peace deal so ads can bypass blockade

bazza Silver badge

This is a really bad idea on the part of the advertising industry.

We all now know that they'll cave in to this kind of thing.

There's a ton of alternative ad blockers, all of whom now know that the better their blockers the sooner the ad industry will flourish the cash.

On top of that the network operators now know that blocking adverts at the network level will be popular and renumerative. They've been thinking of doing this anyway to reduce their operating costs, and now it makes double sense.

The fundamental problem with ad funded services is that everyone who lies between the service and the user can cream off the top. And whilst a website might have links to ads, there's no way to actually force the web browser to open them. Unless you write the web browser too.

It's only a matter of time before Chrome stops supporting ad blockers I think. But that would guarantee that people would stop using it.

Online advertising was always going to be a cash cow that could be milked only so much.

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