Reply to post: some idiots think that the VirnetX case is about cryptowars

Bill for half a billion quid lands on Apple's desk in Facetime patent scrap

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

some idiots think that the VirnetX case is about cryptowars

for example VirnetX did actually test/use similar protocols to iMessage when they developed netEraser for SAIC around the year 2000. That VirnetX patent portfolio was definitively funded by US intelligence agencies. if you check the media from 16 years ago there was a brief flurry of optimism over netEraser style secure communications being able to be shortly released to help humanity, instead we got niche warfare products, eventually leading to patent trolling when the expensive fruit company does start to sell meelions of shiny devices. . .how impressive!

Dr. Robert Short III and Edmund ‘Gif’ Munger were the co-inventors and designers in the years 1999-2000 of the instant secure connect mechanism for third-party identity management and collaboration services based upon encryption and certification technology with assured system availability which became known as netEraser (In-Q-Tel/VirnetX)

There have been repeated attempts to ask SAIC/VirnetX questions concerning the development of netEraser, in the US court & patent system, from the likes of Apple, CISCO, NEC and Microsoft. netEraser seems to build upon the work of Professor Henning Schulzrinne of Columbia University; 1999 internet systems known widely as the SIP protocol and the RtTP protocol (session initiation protocol & real-time transport protocol).

links, why not. . . *SAIC NetEraser* *previous VirnetX SAIC related court case* *SAIC Gif Munger discussion with NSTAC* *SIP page updated by Prof Schulzrinne* *page about Prof Schulzrinne*

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