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That's cute, Germany – China shows the world how fusion is done

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

@Ali Um Bongo

You're either a China government affiliate or an idiot or both.

Yeah form your own opinions people, by looking at facts that you can verify and then look at all the lies the Chinese government spouts. As a general rule, never believe what a Chinese official say.

Here are a handful of examples of the lies they spout:

1) Financial statsitics and data (know why stock markets have been going down recently? They finally realised government published numbers does not reflect realities)

2) Chinese government official kidnappings

3) Chinese interpretation of "laws" and human rights.

4) Chinese crack down on groups they deem "offensive" or "dangerous"

5) Chinese crack down on LAWYERS standing up for the little people and fighting against the government on human rights issues.

6) Chinese commercial espionage in western technology companies.

7) Chinese blatent disregard of FOREIGN intellectual properties.

People have every bloody right to be suspicious and take a large pinch of salt at what any Chinese government affilate say. That is their style, their track record is proof enough.

Before you go on about how great China is, yeah, they are great, the people that is, we do have the most population in this world, some of us are bound to be great! The government and government affilates? Not at all.

I'd much rather believe statistics from independent NGOs published in the west than take what any Chinese government officials or affilated institutions or companies at face value TYVM.

The Chinese government works in a black box, they control through deceit and fear. I personally take offence from your comment as you type of idiots thinks everything the Chinese (government) is doing is fine and dandy.

I'm speaking as a Chinese inside China and not as "Uncle Sam" or whatever non-sensical "foreign" influenced entity the Chinese likes to make up and blame and I'm telling you no, it's not ok. I wish western governments grows some bloody backbone and stand their ground against China for once and not just look at the money and sign contracts to the devil.

BTW the Chinese government realised they've got a "perception" problem from western countries, or what they'd like to call "PR", which is why they've begun media campaigns on the Internet, not too disimilar to ISIS, to try and influence western audience's perception of China. They have armies of social media sweat-shop workers just to find media like this and make shit up and boost artificial likes and dislikes.

How do I know? I used to work with them and contract them for the advertising industry.

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