Reply to post: Computers are already proving they are better than humans

AI no longer needs to fake it. Just don't try talking to your robots

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Computers are already proving they are better than humans

Even with a warning of an impending collision, computers do a better job of avoiding it: That's nearly a 50% drop in rear end collisions resulting in injury.

It will take a while before computers are able to evaluate and make the best decision in complex situations like a oncoming driver crossing over the center line with a steep shoulder on the other side (not like humans will always make the right choice there either) The fact they never get sleepy or drunk or text while driving, and don't have fear, anger, boredom or other emotions clouding their judgment in the split second when something unexpected happens automatically gives them a huge leg up on humans. Humans have extremely slow reflexes by comparison, and can't see well in adverse conditions like dense fog, blinding sunlight or a torrential downpour. Those "high risk drivers" you think should be removed from the statistics are part of the reality on the roads of every country, and are the low hanging fruit that computers begin the process of driving better than people do.

Heck, maybe it starts with people convicted of drunk driving or having too many accidents being barred from manual driving for life - even if computers can't beat good drivers at that point they only need to be better than bad drivers and not doing anything 'unexpected' to help good drivers have fewer accidents.

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