Reply to post: I'm not that worried about intelligent machines taking over

AI no longer needs to fake it. Just don't try talking to your robots

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I'm not that worried about intelligent machines taking over

What scares the hell out of me is plain dumb machines taking over our lives. And there is right now a weird race between two contradictory trends: on one hand, AI is slowly progressing while on the other human intelligence is slowly regressing. Just look how airport security blindly trust what AI tells them about you. I mean, come on, a 10 year old child on a no fly list should be a no-brainer but if the system says he is a suspected terrorist then he must be stopped at any cost from getting on board.

With really intelligent machines we should be in good hands but I doubt we will get there. Instead we'll be stuck with half-baked algorithms from less-and-less competent developers/engineers. Just imagine when those machines will realize (hey, algorithms can't be wrong!) that we humans no longer worth the trouble.

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