Reply to post: Re: Pathetic, isn’t it … ?

Oracle to kill off Java browser plugins with JDK 9

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Pathetic, isn’t it … ?

Java was designed to build portable "desktop" applications, "write once, run anywhere!".

It didn't work as expected, and it became mostly a server side language (for its capability to sandbox the developer).

When it was born, the web was still in its infancy and not yet dominant as today. When the web got traction, it was attempted to bolt it into the browser so a Java app could be run within. Again, an approach that didn't work.

From some perspectives, the Java approach could be better than the pile of s**t web applications are, including the need to run within somethig still called a "brower", and their over reliance on a protocol like HTTP not designed for full duplex communication. But Java made its best to become overly complex, and its runtime never became a standard like the actual JavaScript runtime, the thing called "the browser".

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