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BT dismisses MPs' calls to snap off Openreach as 'wrong-headed'

graeme leggett Silver badge

The report (page 12) conveniently* includes a map showing the "average download speeds" for areas of the UK. With the first band being 5 to 15.8 Mb.

Now why in a report talking about sub-10Mb being the acceptable limit , you would put a map which doesn't actually illustrate that point, I leave to your imagination.

One of the points in the report (No. 26, p 22) demands conversion to Fibre rather than use of Copper. Be interesting to see where the money for that comes from.

And point 27

"Therefore there should be no more delays, no more small

incremental changes. A bold proactive decision is needed for the

benefit of the UK economy and those of us who use the internet every

day. Open up the market, separate Openreach from BT and reap the


Not just me but that does read like a political speech doesn't it. I'd bet fair money that Shapps et al imagine delivering that but to the House of Commons with a glowy image of them sitting down to ringing cheers of "hear hear"

*your definition may vary

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