Reply to post: There is a difference between FOSS and working for the mega rich for free.

Microsoft wants you, yes you, to write bits of Windows 10. For free


There is a difference between FOSS and working for the mega rich for free.

There really isn't. Apple leverages BSD, Red Hat - Linux, Oracle - OpenJDK etc. etc. ad infinitum. Or maybe those aren't $BigCorps because Bill Gates never ran them?

The only ways to work on FOSS code and not automatically provide corvee labour to some evil capitalist corp. are GPLv3 (dubious) or work on something of such obscurity that there is no money to be made on the back of it.

If you contribute to PostgreSQL your work is underpinning EnterpriseDB profits. Anyone contributing to Linux is already working "for" MSFT via Azure. I could go on (endlessly). The difference here is the $BigCorp is the one kicking off the sharing ...unlike any of the above bar Java.

[*] No skin in this game. I write for embedded Linux and there is no way in hell I would embed a JavaScript interpreter in anything. That's what Lua is for.

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