Reply to post: Re: Prepare for disaster...

Microsoft’s Get Windows 10 nagware shows signs of sentience


Re: Prepare for disaster...

The hole that MSFT is digging is getting bigger and wider, please can someone, anyone tell them to STOP.


Just let them keep digging it, and once they get to the point that it's deep enough that they can't get out quickly, we have the following options:

- just roll out the Caterpillar D9 and bury them

- pile Vista and ME install CDs on top of them, then get out the D9 and bury them

- fill the hole with thermite mixed with Vista and ME install CDs, ignite the lot, then once it's finished do the D9 bit

- any of the above, then erect a Memorial Latrine on top.

Tenders for a Beer Concession Stand near the Memorial Latrine will be considered.

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