Reply to post: Re: Inventive?

Catalan town hall seriously downsizes monarch

Chris G

Re: Inventive?

A down vote for you Aitor.

The rule of any law should be constantly questioned and if found wanting should be removed or replaced with something relevant.

Many laws are passed as a result of political/personal manouvreing , I personally don't see a problem with having a picture of the ruling monarch if you live in a monarchy. If you don't like it leave or try to change things democratically rather than just being rude.

What this is all about, obviously is Catalunia's desire to devolve from Spain, I have been looking for a house to buy for my retirement in the next couple of years; some of the cheapest in Spain are in Catalunia. Why? Because in spite of them thinking they have 60% of Spains wealth there is no work there, if they devolve, they will be below 3rd world status about ten minutes after it becomes law, most of the major businesses there are either leaving or planning to leave if devolution goes through.

Not inventive just small minded when they have much bigger fish to fry.

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