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Outfit throws fit, hits FitBit's hit kit with writ (Apple also involved)

gnasher729 Silver badge

I know it's difficult, but there is a difference between a utility patent and a design patent. If you don't know the difference, then you should educate yourself, or frankly, stop coming out with that kind of nonsense.

Apple actually has a patent on rounded corners. Or more precisely, Bill Atkinson, responsible for QuickDraw in the early 80's, has a patent for efficently drawing graphics clipped to arbitrary areas, including areas with rounded corners. And it is a very clever patent, and nobody reading and understanding it will say that this wasn't highly deserving of getting a patent.

But what you are talking about is a design patent. Apple doesn't have and never had a design patent on rounded corners. You cannot get a design patent on rounded corners. You can get a design patent on a design, consisting of several design features, of which one may be rounded corners. That's what Samsung did with their design patent for the Galaxy phone. Yes, just like Apple has design patents on iPhones and iPads designs which include among other things rounded corners, so does Samsung have design patents on Galaxy phone designs which include among other things rounded corners.

I sincerely hope that you don't repeat that "rounded corner" nonsense again, because it really makes you look clueless.

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