Reply to post: @Gene Cash (was:Re:@ Tony S)

Good news! US broadband speeds are up. Bad news – they're still rubbish

jake Silver badge

@Gene Cash (was:Re:@ Tony S)

"Since I work from home, it indeed is a necessity."

Counterpoint: I work from home, and it is not a necessity. I can (and often do) run this place at 9600 baud for up to a week at a time (sometimes dropping to 1200 baud ... ain't USR 19.2 modems wonderful?).

Anywho, Glitter doesn't get work done. Never has, never will.[0]

"And since I'm expected to do desktop sharing and VoIP, broadband is just as necessary."

Working at home (with your own hardware, no doubt), and expected to do high-bandwidth stuff. So you are a conslutant, and your bill reflects your hardware and bandwidth costs, no? Where's the problem? Charge the hell out of them! I do! :-)

"Aw Jake, you're so cute when you play the old grizzled techie card."

That's not cute. That's curmudgeon. Get it right. You, on the other hand, are old enough to know better.

[0] Unless your are in the "entertainment" business, of course. In which case I feel very, very sorry for you.

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