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Cache-astrophic: Why Valve's Steam store spewed players' private profiles to strangers



Gotta remember here that yeah, it might take 90 minutes to download an install, but lots of people seem to be forgetting that the disc doesn't just magically appear in your hand. There is a time and money cost somewhere, be it you going to the shops, your missus going to the shops, the online retailer dispatching a delivery van for your one disc, the postman dropping yet another rubber band on your pavement as he slots it through your door.

Whatever it may be, there was always a cost involved in getting a game.

I would say that this is the far easier method.

I don't need to worry about physical media degradation, losing game keys, getting home to find it doesn't work, etc.

It's a pain, but a one off pain and then (hopefully) your game is good for whenever you want it.

We take it for granted, but it's an amazing leap forward and takes us one step closer to many science fiction realities we all enjoyed but shook our heads at as being 'crazy' and 'impossible'.

Embrace it, I say.

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