Reply to post: Re: RIP

Debian Linux founder Ian Murdock dead at 42

Michael Strorm Silver badge


Was going to reply earlier, but was busy- came back to see others had made very similar points to those I'd intended.

If you hadn't posted this under (nominally) your own name via an established account, I'd have dismissed it as a troll, or at least a transparent attempt to smear the open-source community under some vague premise.

You're taking two very different cases, comparing Ian Murdock's situation with that of the guy that killed his wife, and then you're using these isolated cases as the basis for suspicion regarding the (huge) open source community in general? Seriously?

And yeah, I thought that the whole thing was somewhat inappropriate at this time as well; I wasn't sure whether to give you the benefit of the doubt on whether "Diebian" was a typo or not.

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