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Getting metal hunks into orbit used to cost a bomb. Then SpaceX's Falcon 9 landed

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

The BlueOrigin landing was interesting and will make a side note in history along with the grasshopper landings. The prize though was landing a real rocket, one that can get real things into real SpaceX and SpaceX have done that. I'm confident history will remember this Falcon 9 landing as the day cheap space launching started.

As for how cheap it'll be that a difficult call. My guess is that the rocket will be largely reusable without serious over-hauls. It won't be at aeroplane levels of reuse but it'll be closer to that than throw-it-away-and-build-another which is what we have now. The reason for this guess is down to the fact that we know a lot more about materials than we did when the space shuttle was designed and this rocket really has been built with reuse in mind.

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