Reply to post: Re: To fix this problem...

Oracle ordered to admit on its website that it lost the plot on Java security


Re: To fix this problem...

You get the bin, extract it to /opt/java/##/jre_$version (where ## is 32/64 depending on the version).

And as soon as you do that, you are working outside the package manager, so you have to track changes and updates manually. If you forget one - you've got non-updated code on your production box with all the issues that entails.

I don't see why you would bother with RPMs or DEBs when you know that this can break dependencies

Because RPMs and DEBs merely state the dependencies for the package manger to enforce[1]; the dependency is still in the code whether you use automated tools to resolve it or not.


[1] You can over-ride that if you know how, opf course, but that's often not a good idea.

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