Reply to post: Re: Re: Curious @Telwaz

Big Brother is born. And we find out 15 years too late to stop him

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Re: Curious @Telwaz

Maybe some Base AI, stuck in present phorms of a vast past virtual reality simulation, Telwaz?

Don’t be betting any good money on that not appearing as a servant slave in a master AI program for a titanic tele visualisation project and smarter cyber attack and destroy space mission. It is what true guys and great gals in the likes of an eccentric concentric Cheltenham/Holywood/Vauxhall base station are borne into the wild for.

GCHQ/MI5/MI6 moving on and up into MuI7 Type Shenanigans …… with New Machined Virtual Orders for CHAOS* and Disorder, Manic Madness and Media Mayhem ….. if they be made up with the right stuff, of course. One wouldn’t be bothered, nor waste any time and effort, trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ears, would one. That would be a kind of relative madness too in deed, indeed, and most surely of no personal interest to any future persons of intelligence interest.

*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems

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