Reply to post: wombats => Datatrieve

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

wombats => Datatrieve

"a very nice article about wombats complete with a picture which would display on graphics-capable terminals like a VT220/240."

Happy days.

"the help system built into one of the VMS apps"

That'll be DATATRIEVE (caps intended):


DATATRIEVE is a database query and report writer tool [ ... ] DATATRIEVE's command structure is nearly plain English, and it is an early example of a Fourth Generation Language (4GL).


DATATRIEVE adopted the wombat as its notional mascot; the program's help file responded to “HELP WOMBAT” with factual information about real world wombats.


Additionally, the user group newsletter was called "The Wombat Examiner: - includes image of wombat

See also (advanced users in particular):

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