Reply to post: Re: The 30's are calling

Donald Trump wants Bill Gates to 'close the Internet', Jeff Bezos to pay tax


Re: The 30's are calling

>>You know, the National Front just did well in French local elections

Don't panic Mr Mainwaring, don't panic! This happened last time there were local elections in France, and then they returned a Socialist president. And the same happened in the UK, when UKIP dominated the last Euro elections and a couple of parliamentary by-elections, then disappeared without trace in the following general election.

We'll know the 30s are really calling when someone with actual ideological commitment and proper political opinions, of any hue, is allowed to get into real power (paging Jeremy Corbyn..?). But that's not going to happen while so many rich and powerful people have so much to lose by allowing it - I'm afraid we're stuck with the corporation-serving advertising-and-spin front-persons for the forseeable future.

Which is probably better than the 30s alternatives. I hope. Meh.

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