Reply to post: dont overdo it

Doctor Who: Oh, look! There's a restaurant at the end of the universe in Hell Bent

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

dont overdo it

It wasn't shite, not at all, but I have to admit that I also didn't think it was all that great either.

The problem with these story twists is that they don't add up. They are highly entertaining, awesomely well executed (the bar scene was chilling, the unarmed take over of Gallifrey was very statisfying, and the old Tardis was also a nice touch). But if you dig deeper, like most geeks do, then you'll end up disappointed over so many loose ends.

So the Sisterhood of Karn was on Gallifrey. So they knew where it was. Why didn't they tell the doctor?

And even though I personally like seeing Clara again I also was hoping that the story would focus more on Gallifrey and the time lords instead of only centering fully around Clara Oswald again.

Shite? Go wash your mouth sir. Acting was very well executed, the emotions then layed into it was awesome. But true; it didn't leave me with the amount of satisfaction that I hoped for.

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