Reply to post: malware as a business model

Lenov-lol, a load of Tosh, and what the Dell? More bad holes found in PC makers' bloatware


malware as a business model

"New machine?

First job, wipe and rebuild, always."

Sure thing, but that may not be enough in Lenovo World, see this:

More to come, from other OEMs ... Get your popcorn bowl ...

Lesson of all of this, is this: Microsoft has withdrawn control of Windows to OEM, so that they all can get money off their customer via malware and probably next, ransomware.

This is the result of, quoting an El Reg hack, "a cut-throat business model", as the laptop PC business has become, where you can't do more than 10E margin via usual means and have to resort to "other" means ...

The Windows eco-system has simply become a toxic dreag-dealer business model, both directly (Windows embedded (and more to come) distributing security updates only to paying customers), and indirectly (allowing OEMs to simply install, propagate and sponsor malware, even to the cost of the whole https stack security).

The number of incidents, for the last 6 months, is testament to this. MS is culprit of letting this happen, otherwise they'd taken strong measures ... They know what money hunger can lead people to do, they just let it happen.

End of the line: Windows is now doomed as a trusted platform. Get out of it people !

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