Reply to post: Re: Kazakhstan for Make Benefit Glorious Nation happiness

Is Kazakhstan about to man-in-the-middle diddle all of its internet traffic with dodgy root certs?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Kazakhstan for Make Benefit Glorious Nation happiness

Having actually been on holiday to Kazakhstan, I can confirm that it is the origin country of THE APPLE

(no, the fruit, not the expensive shiny stuff) with DNA traced all the way back to the eastern Tien-Shen mountains

oh, the .KZ might just be on the look out for a colorful revolution or two, depends with these oily states, sometimes president for life gets 'spontaneously' sidelined & I'm sure they have a large Жүйесі жедел-iздестiру iс-шаралары / Система Оперативно-Розыскных Мероприятий /PRISM full-take already in place.

It's the only place I've been where I went through full Airport security-theatre body scanning AFTER landing, I think they were after taxable items/special devices, or apples?

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