Reply to post: Re: Perhaps, just perhaps...

'Dear Daddy...' Max Zuckerberg’s Letter back to her Father

T. F. M. Reader

Re: Perhaps, just perhaps...

@skeptical i: Many cultures still hold a "many children = much status" belief.

I doubt it is much about status or the other explanations you mention, although there may be some truth in each of them. Most of all I think it is an alternative to insurance and welfare. Western societies have this notion of paying taxes / life insurance / national insurance / medical insurance /etc. with the understanding that one will get support when one is unemployed, ill, old, injured, incapacitated, etc. Societies that do not have such a system create large families instead: some children will die young, some will turn out no good, some may become criminals and get thrown into jail, but there will still a couple or more who will work the fields, get a job at a factory or abroad and send money back home, and in general will support their parents when they grow old or fall ill.

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