Reply to post: Re: Hybrid is mentioned a lot in the last episodes

Doctor Who: The Hybrid finally reveals itself in the epic Heaven Sent

Lamont Cranston

Re: Hybrid is mentioned a lot in the last episodes

A passing reference in the first episode of this series was all I turned up after a quick google. It was a bit like being expected to care about the kid with the tattoo, last week.

Confession: I nodded off twice during Heaven Sent. Aside from The Doctor having been replaced by a clone (I assume they'll come back to that?), this episode was a waste of time. I liked the matrix, though - still waiting for the Valeyard to reappear (unless you meant the Wachoski film, which is a couple of exciting set pieces, broken up by a load of boring waffle).

@h4rm0ny Fair point about not regenerating. Still, The Doctor is dead and is survived by his umpteenth clone.

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