Reply to post: Re: Got enough money to hire Lockheed Martin

Walmart spied on workers' Tweets, blogs before protests

Crazy Operations Guy

Re: Got enough money to hire Lockheed Martin

And that would be the problem with publicly traded companies. Half the problem is that the people on the boards that are only interested in pumping the stock price by any means necessary, including lowering employee wages as low as possible (pretty much determined by lowering wages until you run into a labor shortage, or hit the minimum wage). The other half is the owners / executives that look the other way in exchange for massive paychecks (which usually end up being in the form of stock, providing a further incentive to pump stock prices). Especially to blame is the so-called 'activists investors' whose sole objective is to raise stock prices short-term and dump the stock once it hits a certain level and then moving onto the next company without even looking back to see the damage they've done.

So with this situation, you end up with a company that only exists to make money for a select few who give just enough benefits to its employees to keep them from quitting and making products that are barely keeping customers satisfied.

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