Reply to post: Re: Sounds about right

BOFH: How long does it take to complete Friday's lager-related tasks?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Sounds about right

Oh no, change management is a wonderful thing, when managed correctly. To do this you need to become skilled in the art of talking technobollocks, such that any non-technical person (i.e. all of the management blimps on the committee) hasn't a clue what you're talking about, but is afraid to ask for clarification.

This was the technique used when the Operations division refused to stop letting their machine monitoring system try to ssh login to the web server back-end machines. As this was causing repeated hack-attempt warnings and getting the monitoring system put into the local denyhosts configuration repeatedly (where it would sit until repeated whinging from Operations forced us to remove it), something needed to be done.

So, a request for change that was a masterpiece of techno-crap was drafted. It amounted to a minor tweak to the firewall around the web server backends, which prevented the rogue monitoring system from contacting anything. The Change Management committee were in BOFH-style dummy mode by the third sentence, and passed the change without a murmur. Since then any request to revert this change has been firmly denied.

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