Reply to post: Re: The Judge is right ...

Grow up, judge tells EFF: You’re worse than a complaining child

Ben Tasker

Re: The Judge is right ...

I disagree(ish).

Not in the sense that the net is a necessity now, but that we're fast getting to the point where it soon will be.

Banks are closing branches (use Internet Banking), public services are moving to digital by default (need to file your tax return?) those two are pretty important, and just the first that comes to mind.

There are meatspace options for both of those, but it, at a minimum, introduces additional inconvenience (where's the nearest branch of your bank)?

Whether it's proportional is a different argument, but disconnecting a downloader isn't "just" taking away their internet, there's a whole heap of other knock-on effects. Effects that as time passes are probably going to get worse the more businesses/govts go online only.

On the flip side though, a lot of the above can be said for taking away someone's car (or more precisely, their driving license), and we do that. The difference being (aside from the mashed meat cars can generate), there's a legal structure in place dictating at what point (12) we consider the driver's behaviour severe enough to warrant it. Even then, it's generally "reasons of public safety" not protecting a corp's income that's the decider.

What I',m getting at is, whilst I don't think it should be impossible to disconnect someone's net, the point at which it's done is something that needs to be considered/laid out by society, not dictated by an interested industry (not that I particularly trust our politicians, but it'd at least have the outward appearance of democracy).

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