Reply to post: Re: Key Homo Sapience species trait

Blocking out the Sun won't fix climate change – but it could buy us time

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Key Homo Sapience species trait

If we pumped as much money into investigating what we might do in the event of significant warming to take advantage of it rather than assuming everything is going to go to shit, then things might not turn out as bad as the doom-mongers would have us believe.

But this is heretical talk.

All this talk of just reducing carbon emissions given what we know about industrialisation is burying our heads in the sand.

Adaptability (an no, Mr Vogon, that doesn't mean we all need to develop gills: that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard) and technology is what will mitigate the effects of warming in the medium term.

As far as I can tell, nobody is actually thinking publicly about this. If they are, they're getting drowned out by the warmist hysteria.

- If some areas are getting warmer, are there better crops that farmers should turn to. If so, which and where?

- If some places are going to be getting a lot more sun, can we take energy advantage of that?

- If some areas are going to have problems with water, can we plan to do something about it now? Why are they not trying to solve this problem in California now and I mean desalination, not building more reservoirs, with all the extra energy from warming? It's not like they don't get a ton of sun right?

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