Reply to post: Re: Steve Doper Some perspective

EU's Paris terror response includes 'virtual currencies' crimp

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Steve Doper Some perspective

"if people trying to protect you upsets you that much, please feel free to emigrate somewhere else, you won't be missed." -- Matt Bryant

I think the commentard consensus is that these are exactly the kind of knee-jerk (not to mention ad hom.) responses that we should be avoiding. Nearly all auto deaths could be prevented in Britain by a blanket national speed limit of 20mph: that would save one "Paris" every month. I could be protected from myself and others by being locked in a padded cell for the rest of my life --- would I not have grounds to object to this?

If you think that the impact on freedoms proposed by anti-terror measures is offset by an increase in safety, you can argue that point below. If think that absolutely any decrease in mortality is worth an arbitrary loss of liberty, then presumably you would rather start with the most cost-effective measures: and those would probably be: a rigorously enforced diet and exercise regimen for the entire country; a total ban on alcohol and tobacco; a virtual ban on all fatty and sugary food; severe rationing of red and processed meat; vehicles modified to conform to whatever low speed limits are set; compulsory health screening; a massive expansion of health and safety legislation and monitoring; and cameras fitted in each home to prevent one being murdered by one's spouse.

If you seriously wish to impose such draconian living conditions in the UK, "please feel free to emigrate somewhere else, you won't be missed."

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