Reply to post: Re: Are rolling updates to devices the best solution?

Malware caught checking out credit cards in 54 luxury hotels

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Are rolling updates to devices the best solution?

If the next generation of devices is no longer static, but auto-updating, then the older ones can be phased out.

Ah, but auto-updating something that is guaranteed to ALWAYS carry data worth stealing? I give the update source a week, max, before it's either breached from the outside (because, frankly, most protection on fin networks is politely described as "shoddy, aka "just enough for banks to avoid blame") or from the inside because they sack more and more workers to keep the bonus for the morons at the top intact.

The problems are structural. There are solutions, but they cost money (due to the global scale) and as long as the entities that must do this are not actually the ones feeling the pain when things go wrong I don't see this happen - nobody out there is big enough to force them..

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