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DS5: Vive la différence ... oh, and throw away the Citroën badge

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

That sort of aspiration works in a country like Spain, but seems irrelevant in the UK.

It doesn't matter how good the 50 to 70 acceleration is, since the dawdlers are all sitting in the overtaking lane creeping past like an artic, with a 0.1 mph speed differential.

I have often wondered if it wasn't better to adopt the "overtake from any side" idea they have in some other countries given the frankly *terrible* lane discipline of people in a number of EU countries (it's really not just the UK), but I fear it would make things worse because you would first have to teach these numpties to look both ways before changing lanes.

It does work, though, I've even survived that on a motorcycle in Thailand (no, proper +600cc, not a pizza noodle scooter), and I would not proclaim that location as having very safe traffic. Mind you, most of the challenges there are either high density of traffic, or a motorway suddenly ending and turning into dirt without a shred of prior warning. I still check the brakes first when I start any vehicle now, and I could teach Google cars a thing or two about spotting potholes :).

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