Reply to post: Re: Security Theatre and/or Snooping

UK's super-cyber-snoop shopping list: Internet data, bulk spying, covert equipment tapping

Mike Bell

Re: Security Theatre and/or Snooping

There's very little mention of encryption in that draft bill.

62. b says

IPA requires [Communication Service Providers] to provide communications data when served with a notice, to assist in giving effect to interception warrants, and to maintain permanent interception capabilities, including maintaining the ability to remove any encryption applied by the [Communication Service Provider] to whom the notice relates.

This falls short of insisting that CSPs provide backdoors to encryption; only that if they apply the encryption they must have a means of decrypting it. Which is clearly irrelevant in the case of end-to-end encryption, where it is the user who does the encryption, not the CSP.

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