Reply to post: Re: Are they that stupid, or who are they really after ?

Hi, um, hello, US tech giants. Mind, um, mind adding backdoors to that crypto? – UK govt

Graham Cobb Silver badge

Re: Are they that stupid, or who are they really after ?

I think the real main driver is that this is a way to reduce the cost of policing -- in order to make more cuts. I think it is driven entirely by the same thinking as the tax credits cuts, not by any goals about security.

Being able to read all (ordinary peoples, and small time crooks) messages obviously makes policing much easier (and remotable -- no need for anyone to knock on doors and talk to people). Making policing easier obviously saves money, but at the cost of moving us significantly towards a police state. Having police capabilities and resources limited, and prioritised to serious crime, is crucial to the underlying social contract that means the public generally approve of and support the police. Giving the police completely new powers like this breaks that social contract and risks a serious backlash against the police.

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