Reply to post: Is it that hard to understand?

Hi, um, hello, US tech giants. Mind, um, mind adding backdoors to that crypto? – UK govt

localzuk Silver badge

Is it that hard to understand?

That any exploit is a total exploit?

The government finds it impossible to keep its secrets secret, so how do they think it would be possible to keep a gaping hole into everyone's communications secret? It'd be all over the criminal underworld within days of existing, with exploits produced just as quickly.

The thing is, having this sort of flaw in security will basically ruin the ability to do online shopping or banking. Who would put their financial details in a website knowing that any criminal with half a brain could intercept and use them?

Do they not have technology advisers in government? Or is it like the badger cull - they have them, but ignore them because they don't like what they keep saying?

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