Reply to post: Re: Windows 7 on a P4

How Microsoft will cram Windows 10 even harder down your PC's throat early next year

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Windows 7 on a P4

To be fair, it does have a 60Mb internet connection, SSDs and an OK graphics card, so the performance is quite acceptable for 99% of things I do.

The worst was running SQL Server Management Studio connected to the client via a VPN. SSMS is a slug, to be sure.

I run PaleMoon, Thunderbird, LibreOffice and various assorted odds and ends. I have already ripped all my CDs and the occasional addition is no big chore. HD video is an issue I admit, but that's why I have a TV. I don't "game".

So there you have it. I could probably save electricity by upgrading the MB, but then I would need to buy another Win7 licence - perhaps paying the utility company is the lesser of two evils.

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