Reply to post: Re: One less ...

Big mistake, Google. Big mistake: Chrome OS to be 'folded into Android'


Re: One less ...

I think /you're/ wrong (not "your wrong" -- that should be "your bad").

As you say, to quote the Oxford English Dictionary:

scroll down to "Usage

Fewer versus less: strictly speaking, the rule is that fewer, the comparative form of few, is used with words denoting people or countable things ( fewer members; fewer books). Less, on the other hand, is used with mass nouns, denoting things which cannot be counted ( less money; less bother). It is regarded as incorrect in standard English to use less with count nouns, as in less people or less words, although this is one of the most widespread errors made by native speakers. It is not so obvious which word should be used with than. Less is normally used with numerals ( a score of less than 100) and with expressions of measurement or time ( less than two weeks; less than four miles away), but fewer is used if the things denoted by the number are seen as individual items or units ( there were fewer than ten contestants)."

Note the "strictly speaking" and "one of the most widespread errors made by native speakers".

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