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Big mistake, Google. Big mistake: Chrome OS to be 'folded into Android'


Nonsense. Chrome OS is a glorified browser with a linux kernel. Android is a linux kernel with an SDK, an actual app ecosystem, broad vendor support, etc. And it ships with Chrome. So anything that can run on Chrome OS can be quite trivially supported on Android as well. Which is why Chrome OS never made sense from the very day it launched. Now that Microsoft is back in the game of shipping OKish software again, the market for crippled cheap laptops is drying up rapidly because you can get a similarly priced laptop that is not crippled. As soon as you add touch to the mix, Chrome OS just isn't good enough. This is why Google's latest hybrid laptop and tablet, pixel c, already ships with android.

The main problem with Android security is the tiered update model where Google ships an update, and vendors procrastinate and eventually may or may not ship a patch to their misguided adware and malware ridden Android reinventions that may or may not include some of the updates, on some devices that they sold recently. Blame the vendors and not Google for basically not giving a shit about their own products and its users. With Chrome OS, any deployed systems auto update. Google should defiinitely fix this even further; though effectively play services continuously update any android installation for most of the relevant user facing stuff for anything Android 4.x. For example my nexus 5 received the new Google launcher before the marshmellow update since that is managed as part of the play services. The same is true for Chrome and lots of other stuff. Also, most of the Android security problems relate to features Chrome OS simply doesn't have. So it is secure because it is crippleware, not because it is inherently better through some magic design. Also since it has only a tiny marketshare, people are not actively trying to breach its security. So it is secure because hackers can't be bothered, and not because it has some technical advantages.

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