Reply to post: Re: Can we ditch the silly political correctness in reg articles

Oracle's Larry Ellison claims his Sparc M7 chip is hacker-proof – Errr...

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Can we ditch the silly political correctness in reg articles

I used the pronoun 'she' in a Reg comment a few days ago, in reference to a hypothetical inventor in her shed. My logic was that some real inventors are women (no comment about percentages) so it would be no issue if some imaginary inventors were women. The vast majority of the time I use 'he' when writing about an imaginary individual in a context where their sex is irrelevant.

Since women are bright enough to recognise the context for 'he' meaning 'he/she', I then also credit men with the wit to read 'she' as 'he/she' if the context s appropriate.

I think visually, and maybe, after imagining a cluttered workbench in a shed, it wasn't really necessary to imagine the appearance of the shed's occupant. Doc Emmett Brown is great, but after all the coverage of Back to Future day last week I didn't need to give him a another mental cameo this week.

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