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Hackers hit NATO, White House – then aimed at MH17 air disaster probe

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: ISIS? Like F**k!

Putin has spent 90% of his time blowing 7 kinds of excrement out of the moderate rebel forces.

True. However at 130+ sorties per day versus under 10 (over Syrian territory, I am subtracting Iraq ones here) by the allies this still makes up for more "ISIS Bashing" than any that the allies have delivered so far.

As far as "moderate", I wouldn't call Al Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula moderate. At all. Several of the other "moderates" are also religious driven and they consider the Alavite sect to which Bashar belongs the mother of all Islamic apostasies. They also intend to do to it what is done to an apostasy by "moderate" Arabian peninsula Islamists (like for example Saudi Arabia).

IMHO Putin's count of "moderate syrian opposition" being equal to about 5 people is about right. The rest (with the exemption of Kurds) are all shades of the same. By the way - he has not hit the Kurds even once which is exactly what is pissing off the Turks in this case as they are very "moderate" towards both Kurds and Alavites. In the "Armenian/1915" Turkish definition of the word "moderate".

There are no rights in this conflict. However from the choice of wrongs US and UK are supporting in that conflict, we have chosen the "wrongest".

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