Reply to post: Re: We all seem

On its way: A Google-free, NSA-free IT infrastructure for Europe

tom dial Silver badge

Re: We all seem

(re: DanielN)

I'm not sure I agree fully, but the points are essentially correct. Understated is the fact that although one ultimately must be tried, in open court, and either convicted or not by a jury of ordinary citizens, law enforcement agencies and prosecutors can easily cause a lot of trouble and expense even when the final verdict is "not guilty". In addition to that, prosecutors, by overcharging, often can avoid the messiness of a trial and the risk of a not guilty jury verdict and get the defendant to plead guilty to one of the lesser charges. The fact is, however, that this happens far less often in cases involving national security than on the local level with more ordinary crimes like murder, assault, robbery, theft, fraud, and drug peddling. National security, pedophila, or pornography, the most likely to involve electronic data collection, are quite uncommon.

Still, I suspect all these are roughly as common as here pretty much anyplace there are police and prosecutors.

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