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Internet daddy Vint Cerf blasts FCC's plan to ban Wi-Fi router code mods

tom dial Silver badge

I am not especially paranoid, and in particular do not fear law enforcement or intelligence agencies. I have some concern about criminals who are after my money or identity (mostly to go after my money). For that reason alone I think it a Really Bad Idea to lock down what might well be my premise firewall to prevent replacing vendor software with alternative software that I think more secure or resilient against penetration. I understand that nearly all users will not do this, but don't consider that a valid reason that I should not.

As far as out of band operation is concerned, there are two points worth making. First, most - probably nearly all - who do this will not choose to operate outside the authorized frequency bands. Second, there are people who are licensed to operate transmitting equipment at frequencies close to the standard WiFi ranges and there seems no good reason they should not take advantage of wifi equipment to do so. For instance, in the US, amateur radio license holders (other than novice) are allowed operation in bands that include, but are wider than, both the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz WiFi bands.

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