Reply to post: Re: Don't nearly all drivers "deliberately brake" all the time?

Top telematics: Black box helps driver swerve speeding fine

Mark 65

Re: Don't nearly all drivers "deliberately brake" all the time?

I deliberately don't brake a lot of the time, instead controlling my speed with the volume pedal and gearstick. Those drivers who dab the brakes at every bend in the road are nearly as bad as the ones who don't believe in braking distance or blindly follow overtakers into oncoming traffic.

Although I agree that people that ride the brakes are one of life's great pains in the arse (motorways have more than their share of drivers that can only operate a car by stamping on the accelerator or the brakes) there are caveats to engine braking. That is that it's normally considered to be somewhat useful to change your speed by dabbing the brakes as it illuminates those little light things at the back that tell the driver of the 44T lorry behind you that you're slowing down. I believe that brake lights are considered signals much like indicators are so an arsey copper could well pull you over for failing to adequately signal.

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