Reply to post: Re: Er... no.

Online VAT fraud: Calls for government crackdown grow louder

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Er... no.

"Similar letters will be sent to those needing medical treatment, education for their children and so on, including dispatching the Fire Brigade when their house is on fire."

Alternatively they make up the shortfall by increasing the taxes that we the general public cannot avoid paying.

Having said that - the tax laws in the UK appear overly complex. That encourages those who can afford to employ accountants to try to (legally) game the system.

HMRC makes it difficult too. I've been trying to get a P810 to request a refund of higher rate tax as I made a big donation to a charity last year. That would also inform HMRC of the amount I received from interest on my life savings last year. The phone line keeps you waiting - then cuts you off. You can't fill in an online version of the form - nor print one off. Shirley they aren't gaming the system themselves?

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