Reply to post: Don't let the door hit you on the way out Sarah.

Linux kernel dev who asked Linus Torvalds to stop verbal abuse quits over verbal abuse

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Don't let the door hit you on the way out Sarah.

I'm not surprised by this from what I've seen of Sarah's blog etc.

She kept making out that everyone owed her a massive pat on the back for being paid by Intel for the USB3 sub-system doesn't work very well. She kept making out like she should some revered figure within the "Linux kernel team" but wasn't clued in enough to realise that A: there isn't really a team, there are just a bunch of people working on bits they care about or (as in Sarah's case) are paid to work on and Linus sometimes trusts people enough to make them gate keepers for an area he doesn't have time for or care enough about, B: If there was such a team continually making out that Linus (the guy at the top of the pile) was bad at his handling of people that he got constantly let down by was bad or in SJW language "toxic", "triggering", "twitter gave me PTSD" wouldn't help her chances of ranking up.

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