Reply to post: Re: Abusive Managers

Linux kernel dev who asked Linus Torvalds to stop verbal abuse quits over verbal abuse


Re: Abusive Managers

Sounds a bit playground to me...

"Some people just like to provoke others because they see strength in different ways, and standing up to them shows you have strength."

I came to a similar conclusion about abusive behaviour at school. It was only when I stopped being ignoring or avoiding the abusive little scrotums and laid into them a bit that I got any respect.

I only wish it was a lesson I learnt earlier in life. School and family were no help at all. It was far from the best way to deal with the situation, but when your young you sometimes just don't know there are any options at all other than put up with it or try to maim your oppressors.

Come to think of it, interpersonal communication should be on the syllabus, it's clearly not built into the species as well as we think.

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