Reply to post: Re: Some quibbles...

What is money? A rabid free marketeer puts his foot in lots of notes


Re: Some quibbles...

It's also worth noting the Brad DeLong's 'corrections' are largely a matter of ideological difference; he picks up the occasional factual inaccuracy (often by citing work that didn't exist when Graeber wrote his book, which is essentially accusing him of poor scholarship for being incapable of seeing the future) but for the most part says nothing to dispute the actual point of Graeber's work. It's a quibbling nitpick website, rather than a real, serious critique.

Of course, DeLong is also one of the principle theoretical architects of the deregulation that lead to the financial crisis of 2008, so one might question whether his ideological ground is a particularly firm point to argue from (and also opens him up to the same poor scholarship accusations he's levelling at Graeber, since he should have seen what would happen 17 years after he advised it - though in this case, he really SHOULD have seen it, since it was pathetically obvious that unregulated banks will increase systemic risk).

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